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Why We Give

“Growth: Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations"


Founder, Chloe Wimpfheimer's, story of how it all began, from her point of view

I am a Freshman in college, and had decided to major in Criminology. I had no background in computer science, but often liked to branch out to new experiences.

I had recently talked to my family about my interest in the growing role of app development in our society, and how it was available to be utilized by anyone who desired to learn.

I was intrigued, and so I began on my journey to learn about the world of app development. I began to learn coding, graphic design, the development process, advertising, marketing, and how to make this website.

It had more meaning to me, however, than simply achieving an app that could be published to the App Store. I realized that my work could not be meaningful without a passion driving it. In my victimology class that I am currently enrolled in, we were talking about


victims of sexual assault and the all-to-prevalent issue of 'victim-blaming'. I realized that I could use my app to raise money for organizations, such as PAVE.

PAVE supports victim empowerment and trains people to spread awareness of sexual violence across the country. 

It is organizations like these that need our help to end sexual assault and misconceptions that surround this matter. 

Unicorn Splat is created with the intention to provide an avenue for everyone and anyone be able to ACTIVELY participate in raising money and spreading awareness about sexual assault- that includes you. 

Let's not back down, instead, let's stand up for our friends, family, and in some cases ourselves, who have been victims of sexual assault. Sexual assault should never be tolerated. 

**If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault please reach out to the sexual assault hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)

- You will be put in contact with a trained professional and your information will be kept confidential

-Phone numbers will NOT be saved to ensure confidentiality

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